November 15, 2011

This title's just six words long...

Sorry I haven't been as regular lately, folks, but there have been some work related things going on lately, and it's just been hard to get on here as much as I want to. Hopefully, after I get all of my stuff straightened out, I'll get back in the groove!

A very strong week at DC this week, possibly my favorite week of the month. It washard for me to choose which titles to review for you guys this week, there were just so many!

Of course, no week is going to be 100% perfect, so here's my un-recommendation of the week: This one's a little sad for me, because I liked how the book started, but three issues in, Deathstroke has become a little formulaic. Slade goes, kills about 73.67 enemies, and then angsts over what's in the suitcase. At this point, I barely care what it is, but at least they give you an inkling this issue. The art's fine and fits the story's just too bad that said story is kinda weak. It's really not the worst comic out there, but for my money, it's not worth keeping up with.

On to the real reviews!

Green Lantern #3 – What can I say about my favorite comic? This issue really highlighted something I’ve never truly appreciated, and that is just how much of a magnificent bastard Sinestro really is! I mean, come on…how ballsy does one have to be to, essentially, defy the organization that can depower you at a moment’s notice when they find out that you want to defect? And to basically blackmail their former Greatest Hero ™? And further, to install a kill switch/self destruct button in the organization you founded, and base that switch on an off chance that you might go back to the Guardians at some point? Seriously, Sinestro’s got some mad evil skills, and he’s not afraid to use them! We also learn a lot about his motivations here, and his psychology. He created to Sinestro Corp for beings that are capable of instilling great fear, so why wouldn’t they want to subjugate a planet? On the other hand…didn’t he free Korugar so he could rule it himself? Maybe it’s just jealousy that they got there first, or he really doesn’t want someone else doing it. Another thing I liked, that I found greatly amusing, was Hal “Oh, I’ll just make a Tylenol out of willpower to deal with this pain” Jordan is surprised by the fact that he can turn his suit black for stealth mode. The art continues to be strong, and one of my favorites in the entire New 52 line. Mahnke has a nice handle on actions scenes, and I love how nice his books look.

                Recommendation: Pull box. Dear god, you cannot get it in your box quick enough!

Batgirl #3 –Things are not going well for Babs lately, are they? A train blows up on her (Yes, that’s literal.), she’s having problems with her love life…I mean, heck, she even gets an imagine spot where she tells her dad everything that’s going on lately. And then when she’s only trying to get back a precious item, up pops her ex, Nightwing. The beats of the flirt fight they have are interesting to me. They seem…almost disjointed, and oddly filled out. It wasn’t until I finished the issue that I realized that would make perfect sense, since her life is kinda spiraling out of control right now. There’s a reason Gail Simone’s hailed as such a good writer, and this just highlights it. Batgirl has quickly become a character I genuinely care about. Adrian Syaf’s artwork is, as always, gorgeous. There are several panels where you just wanna go over to Babs and hug her, she looks so sad.

                Recommendation: Pull box, because, quite simply, this team is one of the best out there.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Nine #3 – Poor Buffy Summers. Can’t ever catch a break in the guy department, can she? First, Angel turned all evil and leave-y on her, and then there was the one-night stand. Riley, who while good for her, had other issues going on. Don’t even get me started on Spike! So it really doesn’t surprise me that the flavor of the month acts weird on her the entire issue, and then, ka-pow, right to the…I hesitate to call it evilness, but it’s certainly sketchiness. Honestly, I’m reaching the end of my rope, not being able to talk about the plot on this one, but I’ll hold off for a while longer. But only because I care…but come ON people, if you’re a Whedonite and haven’t read Season 8, go do so! It tells a pretty compelling story. As to the art in this book, it’s excellent. Georges Jeanty has really captured both the youthfulness of the cast, as well as the feel of the world, and I want to hunt down some of his other projects.

                Recommendation: Pull box, both for people who like Whedon, and those who simply like good stories.

So there you go. Again, sorry it's so late, but I'm hoping to keep on track after this week, maybe have fewer issues that need more focus than comics. (Blasphemy!) Oh, while I'm thinking of it, Avenging Spider-Man is looking like it's wanting to set up a good starting point for Marvel. Point One seems to be doing the same thing, but I haven't had a chance to take a gander at it. If any of you have, let me know if I should be reading it, okay?

Keep reading and see ya next time!

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