September 6, 2008

Remember, remember the fifth of November...

I recently re-read V for Vendetta by Alan Moore for the third time, so I thought I'd make that my first review.

Obligatory summary: Someone has been killing off and terrorizing the upper echelons of those who worked at a resettlement camp. The masked terrorist (Oh, how that word has become something else in this day and age...), known only as V, then wrecks havoc on post-unnamed war England, which has become a totalitarian, fascist state.

As much as I want to go more into detail about the should really read it yourself. Like all good books, there are subplots galore, and even my summary doesn't do the main line justice.

This is Moore at the top of his game, adroitly going between social commentary and action. I've always been a fan of dystopian literature, society gone wrong, etc. This ranks right up there with 1984, Brave New World, and is more than a little reminiscent of both.

Perhaps my favorite scene is toward the end, after V has turned off the Eye and the Ear, England's version of Big Brother, and a little girl...okay, maybe pre-teen, trying out her first swear word.

For as much as I love about V, there's a few things I don't like. I'm not, and never really have been, a big fan of 80s-style comic art. This, in particular, seems a little more sketch-like than most types.

Another, mind you minor, quibble is the accent he puts in for Alister. There's only so long one can read a phonetic Scottish (God, I hope it's Scottish, if it's Irish, I'ma look like an idiot.) accent without getting a headache. Of course, that particular accent, wherever it's from, actually can be kinda hard, so I see what he's doing...he just took it further than I've ever seen.

V for Vendetta is a good introduction for anyone who thinks that comics are, ahem, for kids. Try reading this and telling me that comics can't be literature. Really, it's just plain one of the best pieces of literature out there.

Oh, and if anyone could get that song from the start of the third part recorded...I'd appreciate it.

I guess I can't really end this without talking about the movie. The movie was pretty good. It left out a lot of the subplots, but adaptations have to, just to fit into the 2 hours alotted to them. I really don't have any problem with the movie, aside from one thing: the Wachowskis knock you over the head (I'm not giving anythign away here, so don't worry about spoilers.) with it being from "America's War." Hm...wonder which one they mean? (Sarcasm filter off.) I'm not sure, but I don't think that they like Bush very much. (Sarcasm filter on.) Look, we get it...but art of what made the book work for me, was that after England basically destroyed itself in war, that's when Norsefire took over, and started things down the path that led to V's shenanigans. You also never find out, much like in 1984, who they were at war with. Anyway...good movie, better book. Check them both out, see for yourself.


September 2, 2008

A little classical reference... title is a reference to a reference to a rock song.

I may need to explain that: It's a reference to this conversation from The Stand:

Randall Flagg: Pleased to meet you, Lloyd. Hope you guessed my name.
Lloyd Henreid: Huh?
Randall Flagg: Oh. Nothing. Just a little classical reference.


Howdy do, all! My name is Chris, and if you stumbled upon this, you're interested in comics. Nothing wrong with that. Comics can be for everyone. That is my philosophy, and the point of this, my very first post!

I fall pretty much squarely into the, ahem, "target demographic;" that is, I'm a guy who likes science fiction and fantasy, reads a lot, watches a lot of movies. I got hooked right at about the age they wanted me to, my pre-pubescent years. I don't remember what my first comic was, but really, who can? That's a level of dedication WAY above me. I do remember, however, a 12 year old's fantasy: Opening my own comic store. I'll get there one of these days.

So I've pretty much been a lifelong comics reader. I've got my favorites, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Spider-Man, Batman...lots more. I'll get to those in other posts.

Here's the thing, though...the phrase "target demographic" is a bunch of malarky. Focusing on one group for your product may lead to a focused customer base, but appealing to a wider audience will always pay off.

For instance, I got my wife reading comics. She's even got one she really likes, Meridian. True, it's been cancelled...okay, not so much cancelled as CrossGen went under...but still, she likes it. In fact, I've bought her all of the collections I could find. I've gotten her to read a lot of the "big" comics, Watchmen, V for Vendetta, etc. She enjoyed them, too.

I've even got one of my daughters, the Princess, able to recognize Spider-Man, Superman, Batman and the Joker. She even seems to prefer the Joker...which worries me a mite, but I won't be too worked up until she starts wearing white makeup, bright red lipstick, dyes her hair green and wears purple.

Comics can be for everyone. There's a comic out there for every one. There's that one character who just reaches past all rational thought and flips on your fun switch.

Oh, and another thing: All of those snobs who say that comic books are for kids...can take a flying leap. There are several books which are adult content, or you have to have read a LOT in order to get. I will probably come back to him again and again in this regard, but Alan Moore's League of Extraordinary Gentlemen books, for instance. You have to have at least heard of Dracula, The Invisible Man, Dr. Jekyl & Mr. Hyde, as well as several other stories, like Poe's "Murder at the Rue Morgue," in order to get half of the story and characters' motivations.

There's also Grant Morrison's We3, about three pets used by the government to become weapons. Give that to your 7 year old, see what happens. (Likely, they'll get it quicker than the critics would, kids being, in general, smarter.)

Anyway...this blog will be about things like that, me ranting and raving about comics, letting you know what I think about things. I doubt it will be regularly updated, at least not at first, but keep your eyes open. I'll be back.
