October 30, 2011


Hey, folks. As you may have noticed, I didn't get a post up yesterday. Sorry about that, but it was just one of those days. There were a lot of good books, especially Aquaman, this week, but I just ran out of time to blog it up. I hope to have it done Tuesday for y'all.

So, I'm a little behind on my comic book movies, but I'm working my way through them. I really enjoyed Thor, even if it was a little weak. But it was about building the workd of these interconnected movies, and I think it accomplished that well. I'd like to know something about the post-credits scene, but I'm holding out for The Avengers to explain it next summer.

Captain America: The First Avenger was a blast! I think I liked every single thing about it. He's a character I vascilate on, but this was a good interpretation. It had a nice mix of 616 and Ultimate Universe Caps. My favorite part was the successful implementation of his comic book costume into a sequence. Worked well, I felt.

Anyway, like I said, I hope to have the reviews up Tuesday afternoon, sometime. If you're hankering for a book, go for Aquaman, The Flash or Teen Titans. All good reads.

Keep reading and see ya next time!