September 22, 2011

Minor Update!

Not done with this weeks' capsule reviews yet. (Seems like it's Batman week at DC!) I hope to have them all done by Saturday.

That's not the main thing that I wanted to mention.

You may have noticed some big overhauls to the site. Namely, adding both the tip jar and advertisements, as well as some other, mainly cosmetic changes. I know it's annoying when people essentially beg for money, but, hey...if you like my site, send some love my way. If you don't like it, you aren't likely to be reading this, so I can say, unequivocally, sod off, you badger buggering fanny face.

I just wanted to let you know that, aside from a few tweaks, I should be done for now. I know I hate it when blogs I read switch things up on me all the time, but I'm just trying to find a format that both works for me as a blogger, and you as a reader. If there's anything I've done that you don't like, feel free to let me know. (I could use the thinking I'd change something. Pshaw!) Likewise, if there are changes you wouldn't mind seeing, please let me know that, also!

I'm here as much for your enjoyment as mine!

Thanks, all, see ya next time!

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