November 15, 2011

This title's just six words long...

Sorry I haven't been as regular lately, folks, but there have been some work related things going on lately, and it's just been hard to get on here as much as I want to. Hopefully, after I get all of my stuff straightened out, I'll get back in the groove!

A very strong week at DC this week, possibly my favorite week of the month. It washard for me to choose which titles to review for you guys this week, there were just so many!

Of course, no week is going to be 100% perfect, so here's my un-recommendation of the week: This one's a little sad for me, because I liked how the book started, but three issues in, Deathstroke has become a little formulaic. Slade goes, kills about 73.67 enemies, and then angsts over what's in the suitcase. At this point, I barely care what it is, but at least they give you an inkling this issue. The art's fine and fits the story's just too bad that said story is kinda weak. It's really not the worst comic out there, but for my money, it's not worth keeping up with.

On to the real reviews!