Yeah, sorry, folks, I know it's been a while...a LOOOOOOOOOONG while since I last posted. Lots of doings a transpiring and whatnot and what have you. But I'm back. I'll be posting...irregularly, but more than once every...15 months, don't worry.
As you may have noticed from my little pic over yonder -->, I'm a Green Lantern fan. Just about always have been. Something about a weapon that isn't limited by anything except what YOU think, what YOU believe, by YOUR willpower...always struck me as fairly cool. I'm not even going into the weaknesses...those have been, esentially, done away with.
And the Oath! I've always been able to recite the Oath:
In brightest day,
In blackest night,
No evil shall escape my sight.
Let those who worship evil's might
Beware my power,
Green Lantern's light!
Gives ya a thrill up the back, huh?
I say all this as a sort of preamble for my talking about the upcoming Green Lantern movie, due out in 2011.
Hold on, just got a chill typing that.
I'm good now.
Now, there have been a few other portrayals or GL over the years, but the only solo flick he's gotten has been a direct to video cartoon, where he was voiced by Christopher Meloni. I haven't seen it yet, but there was a lot of good buzz over it.
This one...I'm not sure about the casting decisions, honestly, and I'm starting at the top.
Now, don't get me wrong, I like Ryan Reynolds as an actor. Definitely, Maybe was friggin' genius, and he was friggin' awesome in Blade: Trinity...(Again, secondhand info, but that's the general concensus.) but I just don't think that he has the right KIND of cockiness to pull off Hal Jordan. Someone more like...Nathan Fillion or David Boreanaz. (The latter, you'll notice, has already voiced Hal, in Justice League: The New, come ON!)
Complaints aside, though, I like him, and I'm willing to give him this one...but I still think he's a better Deadpool. His delivery style fits better there, his comedy fits better there...hell, even his LOOK fits better there.
These next two bits, I hope, are reversed.
First, we have Peter Sarsgaard up for Hector Hammond. Now, looking through the dude's IMDb page, there's a lot there that I've heard of, if not seen, Garden State being the only one. And, I'll be honest, I don't remember him much from that.
Next, Jackie Earle Haley is rumoured to be cast as Sinestro, the former GL, and Hal Jordan's mentor, who turns evil. Which, really, with a name like Sinestro, it HAS to be evil. Now, JEH, I like. He was perfetly cast as Rorschach in Watchmen. He's creepily cast as Freddy Kruger in the upcoming Nightmare on Elm Street remake. And, for God's sake, the man was a Bad News Bear! Okay, I haven't seen him in as much as I'd like to have, but I still like the dude.
Anyway, back to my point. These two guy's should be playing each other's role. JEH, who could pull off Sinestro wonderfully, just looks more like Hector Hammond than Sarsgaard. Hammond's not supposed to be tough, good looking, or built. In fact, in all of the appearances I've read, he's creeped me out a bit. So I say, recast them in each other's roles, and bam perfect villains.
Plus, it sounds like Hammond's going to be the main villain, with Sintestro training Hal (Yay, canon!), and I'd rather JEH get more work, honestly.
I dunno, though. I'm basing this mostly off look. I wasn't thrilled with Heath Ledger as the Joker at first, and look how THAT turned out. I'm going to have to just...wait until 2011 to find out, I guess.
Damn it. :-)
A couple other films notes:
How awesome is this poster for Iron Man 2? Super awesome is the answer.
Almost as awesome, in fact, as the last few seconds of the first trailer. Now, that trailer is chock full of awesome...but come on, who doesn't geek out seeing Iron Man and War Machine back to back, kicking ass?